

Sophie Bel-Vialar (left), CRCN – Pituello team, Office 1008 – 4R4

Nadine Puget (center), CR – Legube team, Office 3039 – 4R4

Thomas Jungas (right), IR – Davy team, Office 1010 - 4R4

Professional gender equality Coordinators

Béatrice Clouet d'Orval
Leader of RNARCHAEA team
DR - Clouet d'Orval team
Office 1027 - 4R4
Member of the association Femmes & Sciences

Sophie Bel-Vialar
CRCN – Pituello team
Office 1008 – 4R4

Aline Marnef
CRCN – Legube team
Office 3037 – 4R4

Health and Safety

Reyes-Villain Céline
IE – Trouche team
Office 3001 – 4R4

Queille Sophie
IE – GADAL team
Office 019 - IBCG

Escalas Nathalie
AI – Benazeraf team
Office 1040 - IBCG

Radiation Safety Advisors

Canal Isabelle (left), T – Clouet d’Orval team, Office 112 - IBCG

Augé-Duboé Benoit (center), AI – Crozatier/Haenlin team, Office 3021 – 4R4

Rinaldi Dana (right), AI – Gleizes team, Office 225 – IBCG

Sustainable development Coordinator


Christophe Audouard
IE –Davy team
Office 1010 – 4R4

Staff training Coordinators


Juffroy Gwenaelle (left), AI  - Administration, Office BA20

Moutahir Fatima (right), AI – Bystricky team, Office 014 – IBCG